The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia

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"There is something in the darkness. No, there is someone in the darkness."[1]

"I cannot remember how long it has been since I had a companion." Her voice quavers. Her arms reach out around you, far longer than they have any right to be.[1]

Lady Black is a mysterious and lonely spirit who roams the deepest waters of the Unterzee. Zubmariners are not advised to explore the depths for extended periods of time: after seven minutes, fear sets in; after fourteen, the visions start; after twenty-one, there is no return, as this beguiling spirit claims her victim.[2]

Zailors who suicidally wish to join her must perform three rituals in the correct order:[3]

  • The Ritual of Greeting, to make oneself known.
  • The Ritual of Hearth, to purify oneself.
  • The Ritual of Feasting, for satisfaction.

Those who do so will become mysteriously immune to the dangers of drowning - and will live with Her Ladyship in her personal underwater realm, forever.[1]

Once upon a time, Lady Black sought a city for her palace, and instead made a deal with the citizens of Mereid. In return for keeping the city afloat, Lady Black would take a newborn to raise as her own. As long as the boy remained with her, the city would be safe[4] - but when the boy left to see the world, the city submerged completely. For centuries he wandered the Neath, and eventually became known as the Confounded Traveler, unable to find his way home.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Elemental, Sunless Sea
  2. Refuse, Sunless Sea
  3. Abyssal Rites: Approaching Her Ladyship, Sunless Sea
  4. The Season of Explorations, Fallen London "They say there's a woman below the zee. [...] She wanted the city to be her palace. The Meridians bargained [...] She was to have a newborn boy from the [...] So long as he dwelt with her beneath the waves, the city would stand above. But, the boy grew into a curious child and one day —""